1、把学习当成一种生活习惯。Take learning as a kind of living habits.
2、学习为己用,何乐而不为?Learning to use,what is there against it?
3、除了学习,我们别无选择。In addition to learning,we have no other choice.
4、今天的努力,明天的实力。Efforts of today and tomorrow.
5、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。Efforts to create the strength,attitude determines altitude.
6、不与时间竞争,只向效率挑战。Not competitive,with time,challenge the efficiency.
7、为了心中的理想,勇敢闯一闯。In order to the ideal of the heart,a desperate brave.
8、做人在于知道,学习在于积累。Life is to know,learning is gained by accumulation.
9、学习懂得知识,知识创造人生。Learn knowledge,knowledge to create life.
10、没有最笨的,只有最不努力的。There is no the most stupid,only the most don t work hard.
11、抓住每个细节,不犯同样错误。At every detail,don t make the same mistake.
12、做人贵在有德,学习贵在有心。A person should be,in the study concerned.
13、深深的脚印,汇成了成功的画卷。Deep footprints,make a picture of success.
14、成绩的好坏在于你是否用心去学。The stand or fall of performance is whether you to learn it by heart.
15、不问一个为什么,什么都学不到。Don t ask why,couldn t learn anything.
16、放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他。Give up of time,time will abandon him.
17、人生能有几回搏,今日不搏何时搏。Life can have a few back to beat,today when cardiac stroke.
18、没有做不完的事,只有用不完的力。No do not over of,only to burn.
19、战胜自己等于战胜了最强大的敌人。To conquer yourself is equal to victory over the most powerful enemy.
20、知识的宇宙需要勤奋的飞船去探索。Knowledge of the universe need diligence spacecraft to explore.