1.谁说的,人非要快乐不可,好像快乐由得人选择。who said, people must be happy, as if happiness is to be chosen by others
2.一个人负心,或许是因为他的记忆力不好。perhaps a person is disappointed because his memory is not good
3.如果你真的喜欢我,请你不要辜负我的一片痴心。if you really like me, please don't let me down
4.我们的回忆太美,终究使我放不下对你的思念。our memories are so beautiful that i can't let go of my yearning for you
5.有时候依赖会变成依爱,那时候或许我已经赖定你了,是吧。sometimes dependence turns into dependence maybe i already depended on you, right?
6.你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。you give me a tear and i see all the ocean in your heart
7.我就是喜欢一边心如明镜知道一切实情一边装傻充愣看你们演戏。i just like to pretend to be stunned by your acting while knowing everything like a mirror
8.最大的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。the greatest happiness is nothing more than three things: someone believes in you, someone accompanies you, someone waits for you
9.我还没有坚强到,可以自己来抗所有犯下的错。i'm not strong enough to fight all the mistakes i've made
10.我刹车驻足,用尽全力去忘,回忆能死我绝不阻挡。i brake and stop, try my best to forget, memories can die i will never stop